Almost immediately, eyewitnesses began to tweet. And refer us to other tweets. Here's my thread.
@indystar #indyshots Here is what we know so far about the Downtown shooting on Meridian and Washington: 2:47 PM
@tigergixxer: Just saw a guy across from 30 S Meridian commit suicide & fall off parking garage. Was shooting guns in the air prior to that 2:50 PM
@BillRuthhart At the scene of an apparent shooting Downtown. Paramedics just picked a body off the sidewalk just south of Washington and Meridian streets 2:58 PM
@spaldobusiness --> Latest on #Indy shooting. @amybartner @billruthhart @kristoferkarol @kingdaviddogs + tweeps big help in reporting 3:32 PM
@BillRuthhart Suicide shooter fell from top of 8-story parking garage, nearly missing man walking below on sidewalk, wearing headphones. #Indy
@spaldobusiness Working with @indystar photogs Sam Riche and Matt Kryger, they are working up amazing pics from the scene of #indy shooting. On web soon. 3:47 PM
@MegFlyn This article shows power of twitter for receiving news: cc: @SpaldoBusiness @kristoferkarol #indy -- such sad news 3:48 PM
@spaldobusiness More on #Indy suicide; just talked with a witness, a CapGrille server who eyed the shooter as he pulled the trigger-> 5:43 PM

Here is a screenshot of a first-person eyewitness account that I got later in the the day.