Friday, February 27, 2015

Spock, six years, and social behaviors

February 2015 marked my sixth anniversary using social media, a publishing revolution that elevated, then upended, my previous occupation ... then paved the way for a new career in public relations. Unlike newspapering, where multiple sets of eyes (and fingers) controlled/manipulated my content, in social you are on your own. There's a breath-of-fresh-air freedom in this aspect. It's also terrifying, and time-consuming (just choosing a headline for this post proved daunting). 

I've long been an advocate of Twitter, YouTube and Facebook as a direct-to-stakeholders wunderkind for businesses and nonprofits, but I'll not get into work for this post. I'm focusing on what social behaviors" @spaldobusiness has learned. My top 10.

Want to read more? This post continues on my LinkedIn page.